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Unknown reason for rash

6 weeks ago my lips starting feeling burnt and swollen. Then 2 weeks after that a hive appeared over my eye and then it scaled over and makes the eyelid swollen. Now I started getting a rash all over my body. It's a red prickly feeling like I'm sunburnt. On my face, neck, chest, back and torso and wrists and hands. I am supposed to get Patch test tomorrow but can't imagine they will do that while I'm having an active reaction. Anyone done this test while having a reaction? Also how do doctors know if the rash is from topical things, medications, environmental or food? Thank you!

  1. Hi, ! I am sorry you are experiencing an allergic reaction at this time. By now, you have probably had your patch test and honestly, I don't know if they do them when you are actively having a reaction or not, so you'll have to let us know.

    My middle son had a reaction similar to yours and even after testing, we still haven't been able to pinpoint what caused his allergic response. I hope that's not the case for you!

    I can't say I'm an expert, but allergists test for a wide range of things with the patch test and you usually fill out a huge questionnaire about possible allergens (be they topical, dietary, seasonal, etc). They can proceed with further testing based on your patch test results and your answers on that intake paperwork/questionnaire.

    Again, I will be interested to see how your testing turns out and I hope you get some clear answers (and treatment!) very soon.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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