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a person with their head in their hands looking frustrated

Allergies, Allergies Go Away & Come Back Another Day!

Today is a bad day. And last night did not help matters. To cut a long story short, I came into contact with someone with a couple of dogs, and within a few minutes, I was an embarrassing mess.

I could not avoid seeing them either, as it was in a professional capacity. I took antihistamines before our meeting, but I fear I took them too late and could not prevent the flare from coming hard and fast!

Feeling like I want to remove my nose!

Weird alert: when I get into this state, I imagine taking off my nose and looking at what is causing the blockage and the itchiness. I'd love to see what is happening in my nasal system physically.

I want to take my eyeballs out too. Today my eyes are really itchy and gunky. Having allergies makes it nigh on impossible to get through the day. Even writing this article, I must stop and take a break to sort myself out.

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It's hard to adjust when seasons change

My body is adjusting to the change of seasons that we are experiencing now, from summer to fall. I am trying to keep on top of things because it is during this transition that I usually get sick.

Can't my allergies just go away?

Right now, I need my allergies to just go away and come back another day when I am physically ready to deal with them. Feelings of exhaustion and dealing with allergies are a bit of a pain when you have to carry on with all the things that life throws at you.

When I have a terrible allergy flare, and I can't just will my allergies away, I do the following:

  • Stay home for a few days
  • Avoid certain foods
  • Distract myself
  • Seek medical help

Being proactive in allergy care

When I am feeling like this, I cannot afford not to act. In the past, I have procrastinated on my allergy care. This negligence has led to taking time off work or, worse, taking a trip to the hospital.

So what will I try? I drink plenty of fluids and stay away from the foods that can trigger me, like tomatoes and all things dairy (milk, cheese, eggs). I avoid refined sugary foods such as fizzy drinks, chocolate, and processed carbohydrates.

To some reading this, it may seem straightforward to avoid the things that flare your allergies, but when your body is running on low, very often, all you want to do is hide away and eat comforting foods.

Managing allergies takes discipline

It takes genuine hard work and discipline to stay on track with my medications, proper allergen-free diet, and keep away from hostile environments.

Sleep is a huge factor in my well-being, too. I am massively sleep-deprived at the moment due to my allergies keeping me awake or waking me up from sleep. If I can get a decent 8 or 9 hours of sleep tonight, this will help me tremendously.

The positive thing about this is that I know these feelings will pass. This central belief helps me get through these more challenging moments. I know I will eventually be well soon.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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