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Anyone in the midwest/MISSOURI experience horrible sinuses issues?

Its making my toothache. Saline spray and nasonex seems to help. Not sure what the common allergens are in my area this time of year (MISSOURI)

  1. Hi, ! I'm not sure what's blooming or getting stirred up in your neck of the woods this time of year. I'm in Indiana and I use this site to give me a clue as to what's causing my sinus issues -- You might check it out. You can just put in your location and it seems to be pretty accurate. I also struggle with tooth pain when my sinuses get out of control, so I know how irritating that can be. I have pretty good luck with Mucinex and I often take over-the-counter sinus meds (think like Tylenol sinus or whatever generic is cheapest). The sinus headache stuff frequently has acetaminophen, guaifenesin, and some other decongestant. It generally helps.

    I hope this helps and you can get some relief very soon! I love Fall, but I could do without all the allergens!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Really annoying when all people say is go see your fucking doctor. You’re not being helpful.

      1. Hi - I'm sorry to hear you're having terrible sinus issues! I hope others who live in the midwest are able to jump in, but I wanted to ask if you've brought this up to your doctor yet. Perhaps they might have suggestions as to what allergens are impacting you this time of year. I hope you're able to find some relief soon! -Alexa ( moderator)

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