Hi, ! I'm not sure what's blooming or getting stirred up in your neck of the woods this time of year. I'm in Indiana and I use this site to give me a clue as to what's causing my sinus issues -- https://www.iqair.com/us/pollen/usa/indiana/lafayette. You might check it out. You can just put in your location and it seems to be pretty accurate. I also struggle with tooth pain when my sinuses get out of control, so I know how irritating that can be. I have pretty good luck with Mucinex and I often take over-the-counter sinus meds (think like Tylenol sinus or whatever generic is cheapest). The sinus headache stuff frequently has acetaminophen, guaifenesin, and some other decongestant. It generally helps.
I hope this helps and you can get some relief very soon! I love Fall, but I could do without all the allergens!
Best, Erin, Allergies.net Team Member.