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Chemical sensitivity disorder

I've got over 50 allergy triggers which trigger my asthma !!
Do you become more sensitive to other allergens the more triggers you have ??
I find that I'm becoming more and more sensitive as I'm getting older
Is there a reason for this ??
I'm now menopausal as well. 50 years of age
Have suffered since was a kid with allergies
Will I just keep getting more sensitive for more prone allergens?
I'm pretty well housebound
Can't socialise or go out in public places at all.
Have to do on-line shopping etc
It's very lonely with major anxiety
How do others cope with the same issue
Thank you 😊

  1. Oh, goodness, !

    I'm sorry you're dealing with asthma and allergies.

    While I deal with mild allergies, my husband (who is 50) deals with severe asthma and seasonal allergies and yes, they seemed to have worsened as he has aged. Well, he actually understands and manages his asthma better than he did when he was young, but his sensitivity to allergens like pollen and dust, seems to have worsened. And he seems to get more sensitive to scents like candles, air fresheners, perfumes, etc. So, we take great care in what scented products (if any) we bring into our home.

    I don't know if this is due to aging or what, but I know it's happening to him and it's also happened to his father (his dad is 7😎.

    I cannot say what will work for you, but my husband gets alot of relief from being on a maintanence medication (like Singulair and Advair). We also have air purifiers and fans in multiple spaces in our home. We change our furnace air filters every month. We do not use scented products often. We do not wear our shoes in the house and I dust weekly. My husband knows what stores to avoid and has no problem leaving a space that is triggering his allergies. I bet you do most, if not all of these things, already.

    Also, here is a piece about one member dealing with a sudden onset of new chemical sensitivities --

    That said, you should not have to live like this. I assume you have talked to your doctor about this, but please don't let your issues be brushed off or just chalked up to 'aging' or 'menopause'. If you need to have more allergy testing done or you need to see a specialist, it might be worth it. You deserve to be able to get out and enjoy life!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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