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Has anyone seen a reaction like this?

Allergic reactions can be scary to experience and witness in ourselves and our loved ones. Especially when the allergic reaction looks or feels different than what we have seen or experienced before. Has anyone here ever witnessed or experienced a "new" or unexpected allergic reaction that was unlike past experiences?

Help us spread awareness and share knowledge together by posting a picture of your "new" or unexpected allergic reaction to see if others in the community have experienced something similar in their past!

  1. Claritin is such a life saver, im so dependent on loratadine, but yes it works like magic believe me

    1. , thanks for sharing! I have one kid that swears by Claritin and one that swears by Zyrtec. I'm just glad we have more than one option! I am glad loratadine works well for you.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  2. and does anyone have recommendations for allergy itch ?

    1. E45 anti itch , you may need to apply a few times , cool skin with a cold flannel and take a loratadine tab each day

    2. , those are some good tips! Thanks for sharing!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  3. does anybody get itchy feet and hands when outside or indoors due to allergies?

    1. , that's interesting! I have never heard of someone experiencing itchy hands and feet just from being indoors or outdoors. Does this occur specifically when you touch a surface with your skin (like walking on grass, touching objects outdoors that may have pollen on them, etc)? What about when you are indoors? Is your skin becoming itchy just from air contact?

      Aside from dealing with the itch, our go-to recommendations are to stay hydrated, moisturize your skin regularly, and use sunscreen on all exposed skin. As fas as getting quick relief from itching, depending on what is causing the itch, you can try hydrocortisone creams, benadryl creams, other anti-itch creams or even steroid creams. Your doctor, allergist, or dermatologist may have some suggestions, too.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  4. I've been allergic to peanuts (but not tree nuts) my whole life, I thought I knew my reactions like the back of my hand. Then in college I encountered communal peanut butter in the cafeteria (which I tried fighting multiple times to no avail). One day I sat next to my friend who had peanut butter covered apples. Big mistake, the smell alone made me nauseous and by the time I got back to my dorm room I had a small amount of hives on my arm. I had to take a Benadryl. I had a private room accommodation because of this but the hives from the smell was new. Now I know that once I smell, touch or ingest peanuts I will get sick.

    1. yes there were some side dishes to eat. My dad even felt so bad that we went to lunch the next day.

    2. I'm glad to hear you were able to enjoy some side dishes! And how kind of your dad to take you to lunch the next day. Having supportive family and friends is so important! -Alexa ( moderator)

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