Oh, goodness, ! That DOES sound pretty miserable! Have you talked to your doctor or gastorenterologist about what you are experiencing? Obviously (and forgive me for even stating this), something has triggered a massive allergic response in your digestive system. So, the best course of action would be --
1) figuring out what caused the initial allergic response
2) getting the allergic response under control
This is where a specialist might be helpful. Have you been keeping a food/allergic response journal since this issue began? Also, while I am being a bit unhelpful, I have to admit that you have tried a lot of the things I think our community members would suggest. You might find this article (and the member comments following the piece) relatable -- https://allergies.net/living/food-exhausting. I don't think you'll find new tips, but I hope it helps you feel a little less alone in this. Also, I thought you might find this information on EOE and its place on what is called the 'atopic march' interesting -- https://allergies.net/clinical/atopic-march. EOE can be a stepping stone in the continued progression of allergic conditions/responses. So, if you haven't done so already, I would definitely talk to your doctor and stress the seriousness of what you are dealing with. You can't be expected to live well and thrive on bone broth and meat.
I am sorry I can't offer any great suggestions for you to try, but, again, please know you're not alone in this!
Best, Erin, Team Member.