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Suddenly allergic to all foods

I have been going through a 10 week miserable time of being extremely allergic to all foods except meat and bone broth. Everything else sets off huge histamine responses. Any help would be much appreciated. I have EOE but that's never been a problem. And I've never had allergies to anything. This just happened all the sudden and I can't get it to stop. Even the steroids aren't helping. Does anyone have any natural ideas that might help? I've tried quercetin. I've tried Dao. I've tried histamine blockers, antacids, nasal steroids, acid reducers. Nothing's working. There's got to be something that's unconventional that someone has tried and has helped.

  1. How are you doing today, ? Have things gotten any better?

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Oh, goodness, ! That DOES sound pretty miserable! Have you talked to your doctor or gastorenterologist about what you are experiencing? Obviously (and forgive me for even stating this), something has triggered a massive allergic response in your digestive system. So, the best course of action would be --

      1) figuring out what caused the initial allergic response
      2) getting the allergic response under control

      This is where a specialist might be helpful. Have you been keeping a food/allergic response journal since this issue began? Also, while I am being a bit unhelpful, I have to admit that you have tried a lot of the things I think our community members would suggest. You might find this article (and the member comments following the piece) relatable -- I don't think you'll find new tips, but I hope it helps you feel a little less alone in this. Also, I thought you might find this information on EOE and its place on what is called the 'atopic march' interesting -- EOE can be a stepping stone in the continued progression of allergic conditions/responses. So, if you haven't done so already, I would definitely talk to your doctor and stress the seriousness of what you are dealing with. You can't be expected to live well and thrive on bone broth and meat.

      I am sorry I can't offer any great suggestions for you to try, but, again, please know you're not alone in this!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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