The External World as a Mirror: Fear and AllergiesI've struggled with allergies and other health conditions my whole life, and it has definitely led me down some interesting roads, seeking answers and relief. The further along I get...
The Comfort in Finding Go To Restaurants with Food AllergiesOne of my favorite TV shows of all time is Cheers. Set in Boston, the city where I grew up, it had many memorable characters, and a great theme song...
Can Dehumidifiers Improve Dust Mite Allergies?I've had terrible allergies for 40 years. I can't even remember what it feels like not to have a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a tickle in my throat. My...
The External World as a Mirror: Fear and AllergiesI've struggled with allergies and other health conditions my whole life, and it has definitely led me down some interesting roads, seeking answers and relief. The further along I get...
The Comfort in Finding Go To Restaurants with Food AllergiesOne of my favorite TV shows of all time is Cheers. Set in Boston, the city where I grew up, it had many memorable characters, and a great theme song...
Can Dehumidifiers Improve Dust Mite Allergies?I've had terrible allergies for 40 years. I can't even remember what it feels like not to have a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a tickle in my throat. My...
The External World as a Mirror: Fear and AllergiesI've struggled with allergies and other health conditions my whole life, and it has definitely led me down some interesting roads, seeking answers and relief. The further along I get...
The Comfort in Finding Go To Restaurants with Food AllergiesOne of my favorite TV shows of all time is Cheers. Set in Boston, the city where I grew up, it had many memorable characters, and a great theme song...
Can Dehumidifiers Improve Dust Mite Allergies?I've had terrible allergies for 40 years. I can't even remember what it feels like not to have a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a tickle in my throat. My...
What Are These Little Itchy Blisters on My Fingers?Do you ever scroll through various social media platforms and strike gold? I follow a hospital on social media that posts photos and symptoms of a medical condition, and asks people...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Therapists That Specialize in Food Allergies? Who Knew!How do you feel about food allergies? Sometimes I’m scared and nervous. Other times I’m frustrated and angry. And when I have anaphylaxis? Well, I’m straight up freaked out (and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Featured forum Has anyone seen a reaction like this?Allergic reactions can be scary to experience and witness in ourselves and our loved ones. Especially when the allergic reaction looks or feels different than what we have seen or...Reactions0reactionsComments24 replies
Featured story Allergies and AnxietyAs someone who lives with both allergies and anxiety, I’ve come to realize the similarities and overlaps between the two of them. It’s definitely a tricky thing to navigate, having...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments