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Allergies almost ruined the job interview of a lifetime!

I was flown to Santa Barbara, California to interview for the job of a lifetime. When I arrived to check into the hotel, a beautiful hotel with amazing landscaping and tons of flowers surrounding the property, I immediately could not breathe. I attributed it at first to my asthma as I have never shown any reactions to flowers prior. I made it to the check-in, but unbeknownst to me, my face had swelled up! All I wanted to do was get to my room and the hotel insisted a bellman walk me and bring my luggage as I didn't look too hot. We ended up passing even more flowers and by the time I got to my room, I could not breathe! The concierge desk was kind enough to send me allergy pills and sure enough they began to help. Now I am always sure to carry some in my purse just in case!

  1. Hi - that sounds like a very experience you had there!! But you're not alone in your struggle here. This certainly resonates with me and hopefully, you won't get caught out like this again. I hope you had a better interview?!! All the best! Pete, Moderator

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