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Illness and Allergy Symptoms

Does anyone here experience allergy symptoms as a reaction to illness? For example, having reactions like hives, swelling, joint pain, or headaches when fighting off infections or other viruses? Share any experiences or tips here!

  1. Openness to the sun, chemicals, weight changes and more decreases the turgor of the skin, otherwise called the flexibility. This prompts stretch imprints, droopy skin and creppy skin. Obviously, expanding the fat layer doesn't help.

    1. I definitely find my entire immune system and everything I already have gets worse any time I get sick. Thankfully, that's not too often anymore, but last year after COVID, I had a huge increase in hives, headaches, and an awful skin flare. I think my body is just extra sensitive, and any time there is anything added onto it, it reacts and just can't handle everything at once!

      1. Openness to the sun, chemicals, weight changes and more decreases the turgor of the skin, otherwise called the flexibility. This prompts stretch imprints, droopy skin and creppy skin. Obviously, expanding the fat layer doesn't help.

      2. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this in regards to my comment. If you don't mind clarifying, would be much appreciated! 😀 -Nina (Team Member)

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