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Losing My Voice with Allergies

Does anyone else feel like their voice feels weak when they talk with allergies? If you can relate, are there any tips or tricks you are willing to share that help relieve this symptom? Does anyone else feel anxious or embarrassed to speak when dealing with this?

  1. Hi , I agree, fab question! I lose my voice all the blinkin' time!! I think it's the combination of using my inhalers over the years and itchy mouth and nose!! Thank for raising... Pete, Moderator

    1. hi there! This is a great topic - thank you for raising it.

      Yes, allergies often cause my voice to sound weak or squeaky. I often sound like I have laryngitis when my allergies are in full swing! Asthma makes my voice hoarse, so I feel like I always sound a little "off."

      A lot of my work is public speaking, so having a strong, clear voice is important. Resting my voice when I can, and drinking ginger tea (fresh sliced ginger steeped in hot water) with lemon and honey help. I also try to drink more water and stay hydrated.

      ~ Lorene, moderator

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