Living with Aquagenic Urticaria: My Journey Through Water Allergy & AnaphylaxisI want to introduce my self yo the forum, you can refer to me as Lucifer-Lynn, I am a 30 yr old Canadian Mother of three sons. I am a...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAllergiesAnaphylaxisAwareness
Sudden allergy to everythingI recently had the gastro bug (18 July ish) and in the last weeks I have suddenly started having allergic reactions to everything I eat. My symptoms are red flushing...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAllergiesAnaphylaxis
FeaturedHas anyone seen a reaction like this?Allergic reactions can be scary to experience and witness in ourselves and our loved ones. Especially when the allergic reaction looks or feels different than what we have seen or...Reactions0reactionsComments24 repliesAllergiesAwarenessSymptoms
Pollen Skin AllergyHello Last year I tried using a new eye cream that I had a reaction too. It took several months for this to settle down. Unfortunately, whilst the skin around...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAllergiesRare AllergyPollen Allergy
Constant Facial SwellingIn April 2023, I woke up one day with my face swollen. I shrugged it off since I had school and I waited until summer. I started getting very sick...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAllergies
Swollen Face AdviceIn April 2023 I got very sick with sinus issues and I got tested for allergies in July of 2023. I woke up one day and my face was swollen...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAllergiesAwarenessCoping
Itching severe for 4 monthsI started with fluorouracil cream. I started itching then used clobetasol propionate cream no one is helping me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Swelling above my upper-lips after taking various medications Hi, About a month ago, I (36 y.o man) took one paracetamol capsule before bed, and when I woke up, I suddenly felt that the inner part above my upper...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAllergiesAnaphylaxis
Introduce yourself to the community!Sometimes the only people who understand are others who are living with allergies or caring for loved ones with severe allergies. Your story may really help someone else. Tell us...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAllergiesAwarenessCoping
FeaturedWhat Are Your Triggers?Allergic reactions can come seemingly out of nowhere when you least expect them. For some, allergies develop early in life, with triggers that stay consistent. For others, allergies change over...Reactions0reactionsComments40 repliesAllergiesTriggers