Chemical sensitivity disorderI've got over 50 allergy triggers which trigger my asthma !! Do you become more sensitive to other allergens the more triggers you have ?? I find that I'm becoming...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAllergies
My dust mites allergy came back after 7 year of immunoterapy protection. Is The immunoterapy workingagain? Hello. I am a person with dust mites allergy from the childhoood. The allergy was not controlled and it took me to Niox 44 when i was 19. I have...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAllergies
IowaIs Iowa a good place to retire for seasonal allergy sufferers?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAllergies
Allergies continually getting worseAfter menopause my allergies and food sensitivities have gotten way worse, it’s gotten to where I can barely eat, most food I react to. I am down to rice and...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAllergiesCoping
Feeling of something crawling on me at homeWhen I’m sitting on the lounge, laying in bed or sitting on my office chair, I can feel something crawling on my skin. But can’t see anything. Sometimes I also...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Drug allergies I am an individual with severe drug allergies and celiac disease. What are some suggestions for finding a high blood pressure medication that I won't react to?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAllergies
Unknown reason for rash6 weeks ago my lips starting feeling burnt and swollen. Then 2 weeks after that a hive appeared over my eye and then it scaled over and makes the eyelid...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Allergies and foot tinglingIt seems if I eat gluten or nuts, my feet tingle a lot for a few days and then it goes away. But now I'm into tree pollen season and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAllergies
Sea Moss Seaweed & Seafood AllergiesI have Atopic Allergies, including Atopic Dermatitis. I've been allergic to all-things seafood since childhood. For the last few years, I am receiving desensitizing injections. I also have high blood...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAllergiesFood AllergyTriggers
Allergy Bronchitis …Typically during the winter my allergy turns into a dry cough.. or mucus type cough. At the peak I experience some exercise allergy (coughing).. and at times shortness of breath...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAllergies